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Diso Nutrition (Дисо®)

The leader in formulation, production, and implementation of clinical nutrition.

Our mission

Creating high quality products that help to support and promote health and well-being
30 +
Years in business
10000 +
Customers around the world
Regions of the Russian Federation
1500 +
Clients – healthcare and social protection institutions
20 +
R&D studies, technological developments and methodology recommendations


Simple, yet effective.

Our products have simple, yet effective formulations. All products are manufactured in Russia in accordance with the most rigorous standards, using high quality ingredients and sustainable materials.

  • Non-GMO
  • No preservatives
  • No substitutes or flavor enhancers
  • No questionable fillers


No pseudoscience or half-truth.

Our products have been developed by scientists and clinical nutrition experts. We carefully select ingredients and use those that bring maximum health benefits. The effectiveness of our products has been proven in multiple research studies.

Certified by the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology
Produced in accordance with State Quality Standards
Meet standards and regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)


With sustainability at heart.

We love and care about our planet, so we use recyclable and sustainable materials in development, production and packaging.


Thousands of people around the world choose Diso

We are proud to partner with more than 1500 health and social care institutions, united by a shared vision of a healthier world. Their trust in our science-backed products reenforces the joint efforts to enhance lives and well-being of people across the globe.

Diso team

The excitement of youth, fueled by experience.

We are a team of life-loving professionals, and we are passionate about what we do. Our team consists of scientists, nutritionists, medical doctors, technologists, IT specialists, designers and marketers of diverse ages and backgrounds.

Our products

Nutrimune: Protein + Probiotics

A protein mix based on concentrated milk proteins. Inulin and wheat fiber normalize and improve digestion, and maintain overall intestinal health.

NutriKa: Protein + Calcium

A protein mix enriched with calcium derived from dairy products. Helps to strengthen bones and improve hair and nails condition. Omega-3 and Omega-6 support cardiovascular system and brain functions.

Diso Nutrimune Plus

A protein mix enriched with milk proteins and fatty acids. Potassium and Magnesium help to promote general well-being. Omega-3 and Omega-6 support cardiovascular system.

Diso Nutrimune M

A protein mix based on milk proteins, enriched with minerals. Created to enhance the immune system and improve metabolism. Manganese gluconate and Molybdenum glycinate support hair and skin condition.

Diso Prolife

A protein mix created to support well-being and longevity. Combined with amino acids, milk proteins facilitate digestion. Chromium picolinate helps to manage blood glucose level.

Diso Nutrinor

A protein mix designed to maintain high energy levels and overall well-being. Plant fats combined with maltodextrin provide long-lasting satiety, while polyunsaturated fatty acids support skin health.

Diso Nutrinor Ca

A protein mix high in milk protein and Calcium. Developed to strengthen bones and teeth. Polyunsaturated fatty acids support the overall health and well-being.

Diso Nutrisen

A protein mix infused with essential microelements. The product includes optimal combination of essential micronutrients in trace amounts that are crucial for maintaining general health and well-being.

Diso Ecopit

A protein mix designed for comprehensive nutrition, leveraging the benefits of both dairy and plant-based ingredients for stronger effect.